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Enrollment Information


Detailed below is the College-preparatory work-ready curriculum for high school graduation required of all students, beginning with those entering the 9th grade in 2006-2007 school year; in order to receive a diploma from a public high school accredited by the State Board of Education. However, upon written approval of the parent or legal guardian to opt out of these requirements, students may enroll in the Core curriculum for high school graduation also provided in state law.



English (4 Units)
To include Grammar, Composition, Literature, or any English course approved for college admission requirements.
Mathematics (3 Units)
Limited to Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Calculus, Advanced Placement Statistics or any mathematics course with content and or rigor above Algebra I and approved for college admission requirements.
(Note) Beginning with students entering the 9th grade in 2008-2009 school, 3 units of Mathematics must be taken in Grades 9-12, in addition to any of the courses listed above that were taken prior to Grade 9.
Laboratory Science (3 Units)
Limited to Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or any laboratory science course with content and/ or rigor equal to or above Biology and approved for college admission requirements.
History and Citizenship Skills (3 Units)
To include 1 American History, ½ United States Government, ½ Oklahoma History, and 1 from the subjects of History, Government, Geography, Economics, Civics, or non-Western culture and approved for college admission requirements.
Foreign or Non-English Language or Computer Technology (2 Units)
To include 2 units of the same foreign or non-English language or 2 units of computer technology approved for college admission requirements, whether taught at a high school or a technology center school, including computer programming, hardware, and business computer applications, such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, and graphics, excluding keyboarding or typing courses.
1 Additional Unit Selected From the Courses Listed Above or career technology education courses approved for college admission requirements.
Fine Arts or Speech (1Unit or set of competencies)
Fine arts, such as music, art, drama or speech.
(For those opting out of the college preparatory / work ready curriculum)
Language Arts
(4 Units or sets of competencies)
1 Grammar and Composition and 3 which may include but not limited to the following courses: American Literature, English Literature, World Literature, Advanced English courses, or other English courses with content and / or rigor equal to or above grammar and composition.
(3 Units or sets of competencies)
1. Algebra I or Algebra I taught in a contextual methodology and 2. Which may include, but are not limited to the following courses; Algebra II, Geometry or Geometry taught in a contextual methodology, Trigonometry, Math Analysis or Pre-calculus, Calculus, Statistics and or Probability, Computer Science I, Computer Science II, Mathematics of Finance, Intermediate Algebra, contextual mathematics courses which enhance technology preparation which taught at a (1) comprehensive high school, or (2) technology center school when taken in the eleventh or twelfth grade, taught by a certified teacher, and approved by the State Board of Education and the independent district board of education; mathematics courses taught at a technology center school by a teacher certified in the secondary subject area when taken in the eleventh or twelfth grade upon approval of the State Board of Education and the independent district board of education; or other mathematics courses with content and / or rigor equal to or above Algebra I.
(Note) Beginning with students entering 9th grade in the 2008-2009 school year, 3 units of mathematics must be taken in Grades 9-12 in addition to any of the courses listed above that were taken prior to Grade 9.
(3 Units or sets of competencies)
1. Biology I or Biology I taught in a contextual methodology, and 2. In the area of life, physical, or earth science or technology which may include, but are not limited to the following courses: Chemistry I, Physics, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physical Science, Earth Science, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Astronomy, Applied Biology/Chemistry, Applied Physics, Principles of Technology, qualified agricultural education courses (included by not limited to Horticulture, Plant and Soil Science, Natural Resources, and Environmental Science and Animal Science,) contextual science courses which enhance technology preparation whether taught at a (1) comprehensive high school, or (2) technology center school when taken in the eleventh or twelfth grade, taught by a certified teacher, and approved by the State Board of Education and the independent district board of education, or other science courses with content and / or rigor equal to or above Biology I.
Social Studies
(3 Units or sets of competencies)
1 United States History
½ to 1 United States Government
½ Oklahoma History, and
½ to 1 which may include, but are not limited to the following courses: World History, Geography, Economics, Anthropology or other social studies courses with content and / or vigor equal to or above United States History, United States Government and Oklahoma History.
The Arts
(2 Units or sets of competencies)
Which may include, but are not limited to courses in Visual Arts and General Music