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Sight Words

Literacy First List A
    (Approximately 1st Grade difficulty. Passing score 95 words)

the            at                 there                some           my             as         number

of              be                use                   her              than           with       no

and           this               an                    would           first            his        way

a              have               each                make           water          they      could

to             from                which              like               been          I           people

in              or                   she                 him               call            we       get

is              one                do                   into                who          when    come

you           had                how                 time                because   your     made

that           by                  their                has                  red          can      may

it               me                 if                     look                 now         said     part

he             but                 will                  two                  find          many

was           not                 up                    more               long         then

for             what                other               write                down       them

on             all                   about               go                   day          these

are            were                out                   see                 did          so


Literacy First List B
    (Approximately 2nd Grade difficulty. Passing score 95 words)

over            name               boy              such           change        very        try 

new            good                follow           dont            off               after       kind

sound          am                 came           turned           play            things    hand

take             man               want            here              going          our        picture

only             think              show            why               air             just       again

little              say               also              asked            away        means    still

work             great             around          went              animals     old          learn

know            where            form             men               house        any        should

place           help               three            read               I'm             same      became

years           through          small            need             page           tell         world

live               much             see              land              were           well

me               before            put               different         mother        large

back             line               end               home            answer       must

give              right              does             us                found           big

most            too                another         move             day             even